Best Medium ChatGPT Prompts to Generate Engaging Stories

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    LLMs like ChatGPT or Sonnet 3.5 can actually generate quite decent pieces of content.

    With the right prompts and your personal insights, they can produce engaging, authentic content that resonates deeply with readers – just what Medium readers love !

    This article will give you the right way to make ChatGPT generate a Medium post.

    Can You Create Engaging Medium Posts with ChatGPT?

    Absolutely! You can create engaging Medium posts using LLMs like ChatGPT. But the key lies in how you use the tool.

    Medium readers appreciate authenticity. They reward content that is not only informative but also relatable—something personal that resonates with their experiences.

    If you simply rely on AI-generated content without giving it direction, you’ll end up with something that feels generic or lacks depth.

    I once experimented with a Medium post generated by Sonnet 3.5, and the results were impressive. After a few tweaks, it met reader expectations and garnered positive engagement.

    You can achieve similar results with ChatGPT, but the magic happens when you provide it with more than just a topic. You need to give it context, personal stories, and well-constructed prompts to bring your content to life.

    ChatGPT Prompts to Generate Medium Posts

    a. Defining the Writing Persona for ChatGPT

    To create engaging Medium posts using ChatGPT, you need to first define the writing persona. By giving ChatGPT a clear identity and purpose, you help it understand the expectations of Medium readers.

    You can use this prompt:

    You are a successful Medium writer, specialized in AI content writing. You’re writing for an audience of content marketers and writers who are considering whether they should implement AI in their writing process. You write genuine, relatable, and personal stories about how you’ve adopted AI. Your sentences are concise, short, and easy to understand, hooking the average Medium reader.

    b. Providing Writing Samples

    Another key step is to provide ChatGPT with a sample of the writing style you want it to emulate. By giving it a well-chosen writing sample, you help it understand the nuances and emotional tone that are most likely to connect with Medium readers.

    You can use this prompt:

    Here’s a writing sample to help you determine the kind of writing style and tone we expect. Only reply ‘ok’ if the extract is clear for you. Here’s the extract:

    “I’ve said before that I think generative AI is killing creativity because it side-steps the craft needed to do something like write well. As a result, its biggest success has been to amplify the inherent laziness found in wannabe creators and bad actors and to give boardroom execs a way to cut out the “cost” of creativity — the humans who produce it.

    Just look at the reasons people give for why it’s “revolutionary.” People tell me how they use it to pump out their month of social content in an instant, or to write an email for them, or to summarize a book they can’t be bothered to read, or to give them a list of things to write about. How revolutionary.

    The only improvement, if we can call it that, is the speed of output. It achieves that by removing the element of thinking. We all know that thinking is what unlocks the truly great pieces of work, hence my belief that it kills creativity.

    Now, the result of this is becoming clear.

    Generated AI is de-leveling the market.”

    c. Building the Outline of the Medium Post

    Before generating a full Medium post, it’s helpful to build an outline. This step ensures that your content has a solid structure and that all the important points are covered.

    You can use this prompt:

    “Build an outline for a Medium post about how [your topic] based on these ideas [your draft of ideas].”

    d. Generating Section by Section

    Another effective way to use ChatGPT for creating engaging Medium content is by generating your post section by section. By breaking down the content generation process, you can ensure that every section meets your quality standards and contributes meaningfully to the overall post.

    You can use this prompt:

    “While strictly following the previous style, tone, and writing guidelines I gave you, write section 1 in 300 words.”

    e. Generating Engaging Introductions, Titles, and Subtitles

    To create engaging Medium posts, it’s important to spend time crafting compelling introductions, titles, and subtitles. Using ChatGPT to generate different options for these elements can help you find the one that best captures your audience’s attention.

    You can use these prompts:

    “Strictly following our previous instructions, write an introduction to the whole article in the Medium style with a relevant hook.”

    “Find me 10 ideas of compelling Medium titles and subtitles relevant for this article.”

    Apply these prompts in Claude Sonnet 3.5 or ChatGPT interface, and see the magic happens !

    Jean-marc is a confirmed AI content process expert. Through his methods, he has improved the quality of its clients' LLM content output.

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