About me

Hi, Jean-marc here!

Like many content marketers, I was stunned by the coming of age of LLMs and Gen AIs.

And somewhat skeptical.

How can one technology make everything so fast and easy to do?

But as I kept testing and experimenting on these tools, I realized their huge opportunities for content marketers.

I’ve especially figured out a consistent way to create quality AI content : the AI hybrid process.

This new approach helps me better streamline and personalize the content of my clients :

My Success Stories


Checksub, online subtitling solution

I launched a massive SEO plan. I created over a hundred blog posts, thousands of landing page variations, and optimized the site technically. Result: 80 to 1000 organic daily users in 6 months.

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Man + Machines, industrial robot marketplace

I laid the foundation for a robust SEO strategy. I created high-value articles for the industry, hundreds of strategically positioned product pages, and optimized the technical performance of the site. Result: from 0 to 100 daily organic users in 6 months.

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Noota, conversation intelligence app

I've defined a new thought leadership angle (collaborative sales management) and put in place relevant pillar content. I've planned and deployed a strategic SEO audit and plan. I've written extensive and expert content about sales coaching.

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